ARMS - The lower part of the shoulder covers was closed with small pieces of plasticard, creating two new air intakes at the extremities. The cannons in the arms were rendered with two small pieces of plasticard tubes and the cannon covers, that were quite short, were augmented of about 0,5 cm in length. In a moment of intense masochism, I even cut in pieces the left fist and remade it as an open hand, gluing together all the tiny pieces.

LEGS - The legs of this mobile suit are quite complex and articulated, with grappling feet and movable leg covers. Of course this model doesn't have any of this. I couldn't modify the lower part of the legs to make mobile the covers, even if I excavated them thoroughly, but I succeeded in changing the feet. I cut the feet to pieces, and then I drilled two holes in the central part and connected the two lateral parts with a piece of sprue. The "toenail" was articulated with a piece of iron wire instead. In the frontal upper part of the legs I also opened and reshaped the air intakes.

WEAPONS - This kit comes with no extra weapon, so all the stuff that you see was made from scratch, using some very odd materials. The main cannon was made with a pencil, a plastic knife, soft vinyl pieces, sprue, plasticard and putty. For the shield I used the bottom of a beer can; to cover the cutting edge of the can I used the thick edge of a plastic cup and plasticard to add all the details. Both cannon and shield have a small b-joint for the connection with the arms. The missiles on the back were sculpted from thick sprue, drilling in them the holes for the insertion of small metallic pegs. Of course those pegs had to fit in the holes drilled in the backpack wings.

PAINTING - I used Humbrol enamels for this model, with a slightly darker colour scheme than the suggested one. The main colours are Grass Green (HUMBROL HM80), Light Buff (HUMBROL HM7), a mix of Gun Metal (HUMBROL HM53) and Metallic Black (HUMBROL HM201), Trainer Yellow (HUMBROL HM24). All the detail and insignia were made with Gloss White, using a toothpick.
