
  1. 1. Los Angeles, November 2019 (1:46) Vangelis
  2. 2. Leon's Interrogation (1:12) Vangelis
  3. 3. Lift - Off (1:10) Vangelis
  4. 4. Deckard Meets Rachael (1:29) Vangelis
  5. 5. One More Kiss, Dear (4:00) Skelling,Vangelis
  6. 6. Blade Runner Blues (10:19) Vangelis
  7. 7. Love Theme (4:57) Vangelis
  8. 8. The Prodigal Son Brings Death (3:35) Vangelis
  9. 9. Tales Of The Future (4:46)
  10. 10. Dangerous Days (1:02) Vangelis
  11. 11. Wounded Animals (10:58) Vangelis
  12. 12. Tears in Rain (2:41) Vangelis
  13. 13. End Titles (7:24) Vangelis

Circulated through LA's film community in early June 1982, few weeks before the film release, it was immediately a hot property as rumors persisted that Vangelis score would never be released. It is a copy a sound technician made in the latest mixing stages. It's a 60 minute audio tape housed in a clear plastic case. Affixed to this tapes "A" side is a simple white label with the words Blade Runner. Although "listenable," the sound quality was very poor, too much hiss, harsh treble and bass distortion.


The First Bootleg


- Tape Release

The first Bootleg
The New American Orchestra Adaptation
The Off World Bootleg
The Official Release