Hampton Fancher's Script - 1980
David Peoples' Script - 1981
Alternate Endings:
January 1980
December 1980
February 1981
June 1982

Alternate Endings



Ending from The Illustrated Blade Runner 6/82


The bedroom is dark. Deckard opens the door. He sees something on the bed. Motionless. A body? Deckard enters. the CLOCK TICKS. Deckard goes close. Rachael is on the bed, Completely motionless. Deckard leans over her, very close, to see if she's breathing. A long moment. Then the tension goes out of him. She's alive. He turns away from her with a new urgency. Rachael stirs, opens her eyes.

DECKARD: Do you love me?
He is looking at her. He has the gun in his hand.

RACHAEL: I love you.
Deckard holsters the gun, pulls open another drawer.

DECKARD: Do you trust me?
Deckard is pulling clothes out of the drawer, stuffing them hastily into a parachute bag.

RACHAEL: I trust you.
Deckard turns and looks at her, one hand full of clothes, the other hand holding the parachute bag.


The door opens and Deckard and Rachael step out. They are carrying a couple of overnight cases. Rachael starts towaard the elevator. Deckard locks the door and turns to follow her. He spots something on the floor, something small. He reaches down and picks it up. It's the tiny unicorn made of tinfoil... Gaff's gauntlet... Deckard looks at it for a moment. We hear Gaff s voice as if it were in Deckard's mind.

GAFF (VOICE OVER): It's a shame she won't last forever. But then again no one does.


Birch trees whip past at 160 miles per hour urged on by big, nasty MUSIC. We have the feeling we are going to see a unicorn. Instead we see Deckard's car rocketing through the woods.


Deckard is at the wheel, Rachael is beside him. Decked smiles at her. Rachael smiles back tentatively. Deckard glances back at the road, then at the vid screen. A little blip flashes on the screen. Decked notices it, his eyes narrow just a little. He reaches in his pocket, pulls out the unicorn. Deckard puts the tinfoil unicorn on the dash. A flicker of a smile crosses his face.


Deckard's car bullets through the woods in a fury of speed and MUSIC. We BACK OFF IT AND UP, PAST whizzing branches, OVER the treetops, losing the car as we SOAR over what is suddenly a vast forest spreading to infinity. Enormous MUSIC!

DECKARD (VOICE OVER): Gaff had been there... and let her live. Four years, he figured... but he was wrong. Tyrell had told me Rachael was special. Not only had he given her memories... but he'd set no termination date. I didn't know how long we'd have together... but, who does?