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Saint Antonio abate's Sanctuary



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                                                 huf.jpg (51015 byte)                      The colors of the Sanctuary


“An interminable succession of yellowish and grey lands, as well as of hills, permanently covered of dry straw and infrequent short olive trees, characterize the landscape of this place (…).
The colors of this land are humble but humility makes it so fascinating: even Virgil and Dante had the same impression. Yesterday I painted my first landscape (…),
a long series of hills and yellowish white fields, with rare grey trees, and some white and grey houses of the village.
I believe the picture I painted faithfully reproduces the landscape mentioned above,
and I used a variety of striking colors I hardly employ when I paint, from yellow to violet and from blue to pink”

Short passage taken from a letter the writer Carlo Levi
sent to his mother during his exile in Grassano on September 7th 1934.


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