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The contest to choose and create the official RULE has been held, and the winner is the "Penguin on a speeding turtle" concept. Now we only need to actually produce a drawing... If you can draw, please scan your proposal and send it to linuxdesk, at inwind, dot, it. If you can't draw, but have a friend/relative coworker who can, ask him or her to do it and send it anyway. Thank you in advance!


It should not rely, if possible, on jokes/associations valid only in one language, or meaningful only to hackers (of course we can exclude the penguin from the hacker-only concepts)

Confusion with script kiddies (see the "rulez" thread in the mailing list archives) should be avoided too.

Hint if possible, to all faces of RULE: help schools, remove bloat, nice hack, not necessarily in this order

Be readable even in black and white, be useable as an icon too, or at least have an icon version.

Avoid anything Red Hat specific, both to not piss their lawyers off with pointless copyright issues, and to stress the fact that much of RULE is not distro specific (not even Linux specific, for that matter...)

Penguin on a speeding turtle (Martin Stricker??)

tux sitting on a turtle who's legs are spinning so fast they are a blur. (Comment by Marco Fioretti: what about dressing and drawing the penguin like Snoopy's "WWI Flying Ace"?)

Body-builder penguin (Marco Fioretti)

A thin, but very muscular penguin coming out from the standard tux as somebody coming out from a giant carnival costume, smiling and lending a hand.

The message would be that RULE frees the lean and mean linux from the fat/bloat it accumulated over the years, without loosing any real strength in the process, and by this it's also able to help students, and everybody else with an old PC.

Actual drawing made by Paolo, the husband of the sister of my sister's husband... if I didn't miss any step....

      Existing bodybuilder penguins signalled by Joachim, joack_at_gmx_._net

The one in the Lower right hand corner

the GGI tux: 6th down right side

Hardcore Linux,4th down also on the right

Penguin in a laptop (Joachim, joack_at_gmx_._net)

Elaborating on the Penguin in a laptop found here

Some combination of a penguin and the matrioshka dolls concept (Martin Stricker)

Small but colourful (Bryon Gill)

The concept is that RULE takes a big but rather plain (grayscale in fact) penguin, and makes it smaller and progressively more colorful, signifying the ways in which there are different advantages to full-size versus minimal linux distributions. I got the idea when thinking about the russian doll concept, with bigger penguins splitting in half to reveal smaller ones. Well, Russian doll penguins are beyond my ability to draw :) but I can do progressively smaller penguins, and I think this gets the idea across.

I think it's fairly obvious how this could be iconified, a small square image of a penguin inside a larger yellow square (basically the "E" block).

Tux with a crown, by hairylarry

A skinny tux with a crown. He could be used alone or in conjunction with his fatter brother.

An additional graphic to help promote rule, by hairylarry

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Copyright 2000/2002 Marco Fioretti, linuxdesk at inwind dot it. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2002 The RULE project. All Rights Reserved.
Generated on 2002/06/10 5:21:46 UTC