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    Casènta, Rafezòira e Fugassètte de Granòn,
    Focaccette di Granoturco,
    Maize-flour little cakes

    These recipes are very similar, being different just in the cooking method or in doses.
    Maize flour cakes have the exotic name of Casènta in the Eastern part of the Riviera, Rafezòira in the district of Campo Ligure, while in the Western part they are simply Fugassètte de granòn (focaccette di granoturco in Italian).

  • 300 g. (11 oz.) maize flour
  • 200 g. (7 oz.) white flour
  • 1/4 cube of yeast (25 gr. - 0,8 oz)
  • 1/2 glass of milk
  • salt
    On a pastry board mix the white and the maize flours, adding a little salt. Having dissolved the yeast in warm milk, add them to the flours mixture kneading into a soft sough adding a little more warm milk if needed. Cover and let it rise for 60-80 minutes in a warm room.
    To make the Casente:
    Pull off pieces of dough, flatten them between the hands, riddle their surface with a fork, dip them in flour and fry them in plenty of hot (but not smoking) olive oil until they're golden.
    Serve them with "Formaggetta di Bonassòla" cow cheese; a cool glass of Vermentino dei colli di Luni (10-12° C/ 50-54° F) is suggested.
    The Rafezòire:
    they are made just with maize flour, water and salt, no yeast; they're fried, just as the casente, and served with "Formaggetta ovi-caprina della Valle Stura" (or another young ewe and goat cheese).
    The Fugassètte de Granòn:
    they are usually cooked into the "testi", small clay baking pans (very similar to the ones used in India for the Tandoori chicken), covered with fresh chestnut leaves, but an oven and a common baking pan will do.
    They have to leaven for 3 or 4 hours and then bake them at 180-190° C / 360-375° F for 30-40 minutes.
    Formaggetta di Varese Ligure The Fugassette are very good simply with some "Formaggetta Stagionata de Vàise" (or another cow cheese, not too old), or with a "Formaggetta ovina della Valle Scrivia" (or another young ewe cheese) Ovino della Valle Scriviaand a glass of Rosso Golfo del Tigullio (red, served at room temperature).
    All these maize cakes may be served with the Prebûggiùn quiche.