This page can be useful for all people starting to familiarise with the designation of the belonging Order of an arthropod. For more accurate researches please refer to the book of A. Ross: "AMBER THE NATURAL TIME CAPSULE" , to the book of the M. Chinery "Guidebook to Insects of Europe", the book: "ATLAS OF PLANTS AND ANIMALS IN BALTIC AMBER" of W. Weitschat and W. Wichard, the book of Eric Geirnaert: "AMBRE, MIEL DE FORTUNE ET MEMOIRE DE VIE" or to specialised web sites. Select the definition more corresponding to the sample in examination. - Wingless arthropods, 6 legs -![]() - Wingless
arthropods, 8 legs -
- Wingless
arthropods, more than 8 legs -
Classifiction of the arthropods*
* Limited to the most common Amber Classes and Orders. % - Percentage of Hexapoda contained in Baltic Amber, extracted from the book " LES FANTOMES DE L'AMBRE" di E. Kreminska, W. Kreminski edited by Neuchatel Museum of Natural History. x - out of statistics. All pictures may be downloaded and used freely. I should like to thank the Dr. Stefania Signorelli