| |
Tesla: electrical discharge in a globe with rarefied gas without direct
contact |
To live at a big house in the countryside involves
several inconveniences but also many advantages, for istance the
possibility to collect and accumulate many old and interesting things,
this would not be possible in a town flat.
Here I can do my strangest
experiments without
disturbing the neighbours; only victims of these my little madnesses are my wife, that is terrorized by the electric discharges
and the animals which, when they see me with strange gadgets in the hand,
go away quickly.
Here I
have picked up my little personal museum
with the tools that I have built or that I have bought. They
concern the medicine, the
biology, the physics.
My wife shares with me the passion for the ancient
lamps, (oil, kerosene, carbide, gasoline). We have more than one hundreds

My wife and I, we have begun this collection just married; in our journeys in
France and in Italy, we were
stopping often in the little brocante shops and if our finances were
in assets, we were buying lamps (maybe with the secret
hope to find the one of Aladino); we have bought many
of those, maybe too many: My wife
was looking the aesthetic side, I instead the technical. In our collection there
is everything: the humble oil lamp of alpine hut and the pretentious kerosene lamp of ancient sittig-room.
Oil lamp Quinquet ~ 1790 |
Kerosene Lamp. England early 1900s. |
From left: veilleuses, lamp with stem, Neapolitan lamp. |
Neapolitan lamps in opaline. They were offered in
opportunity of marriages and important days. |
Series of oil and kerosene lamps. |
Oil - Moderator Lamp Mid 1800s. |
French kerosene Lamp with miniatures. First '900. |
Little oil lamp and precious lamp with shade engraved
to the acid. |
Oil lamp in opaline blue end 1800s with veilleuses. |
Series of oil and kerosene lamps. |

My wife says the age is not synonym about wisdom, also claims who
"plays" with these devices, he must necessarily to be a little crazy:
maybe she is right; I advise to give a look to theWebRing hub
HT site or WebRing hub tesla
or to the Italian site: http://S.webring.com/hub?ring=italianteslacoil
to see how many "crazys" there are in the web ... it is really
Tesla coil built by me more than 35 years ago. |
Spectacular high tension sparks and high frequency -
about 80.000 Volt |
Van De Graaff, electrostatic engine I have built
recently. |
The neon lamp lights up without electric contact. |
This power is not dangereus, only a light pinch. |
One does not joke, here the "lightnings"
exceed 50 cm: about 7-800.000 Volt. |
The Tesla Coil, in:12 '000 volts, 30 ma. Out
about 500.000 volts |
New Tesla, tubes version. |
New Van De Graaff in building |
Tesla coil in action: discharges 40
-50 cm. |
Tesla tubes in action. |
Van De Graaff, finished! |
Maxi - Tesla Coil, 8000 volt, 100 mA- discharges 1300
cm |
My 3 Tesla |
Maxi Tesla Coil in action, video (Windows
Media - 83Kb) |

At 15 years old with my first fix anode Coolidge tube. |
Here what now remains of that magnificent tube: the
weighing anticathode. |
Ancient and rare X-ray apparatus with Focus tube and
Ruhmkorff coil. |
Machlett X-ray tubes "tennis ball"  |
Modern X-ray rotating anode tube. |
Modern X-ray rotating anode tube. |
Modern X-ray rotating anode tube. |
X-ray dental tube  |
HeNe middle power laser |
Laser HeNe hight power |
Collection of little Ruhmkorff
coils  |

discovery of the electricity created many expectations also in medical field. The researchers tried soon to exploit the possible therapeutic properties of this new
and mysterious science; together with serious scientists,
many quacks scientists took
advantage of the chances which this innovation was offering them; many
devices were planned: electrostatic machines, generators of
galvanic and faradic currents, everyone was promising miraculous recoveries …unbelievable
but some time the patients had recovered... power of the suggestion and the
placebo effect!!! In America these devices were classified as Quack Machine .Unfortunately
many of these devices are still built and offerings.
The websites which treat these arguments are numerous, I signal some:

S electromedical
devices of
my collection |
TENSIONS IMPULSIVE Dynamos These devices were not needing batteries. |
Magneto Electric Machine (David Kidde patented
1850) It is a
simple dynamo. The patient was keeping in hand the 2 cylindrical electrodes while
the doctor was turning the handle.
Some minute of troublesome electric shocks and the
patient had recovered... |
ca. This is a more technological and aesthetically pleasant
device but identical in the beginning.
An internal dynamo is moved by 2 small metal wheels which
run on the skin, they behave as electrodes and causes a contraction
of the submitting muscles. |
CURRENTS GALVANO FARADICHE Big is the amount and the
variety of devices to high frequency and high tension built in this period.
All exploits the Tesla and Oudin circuits, everyones transmit to the
patient intense shocks with strange electrodes.
VIOLET RAY - High frequency
electrothérapy. The glass electrodes filled with low pressure neon light
up when they are put to contact of the skin of the patient. These devices are searched by many collectors.

Little portable microscope, late 1800s |
My first microscope. Hensoldt Wetzlar. |
Microbiology microscope. |
Little collection of Brownie Kodak from 1901 and other
photo-devices. |
Little portable microscope, late 1800s |
Various microscopes |
Stereo-microscope for biology (I use it for the
Yashica with bellows for macro. |
Telescope I have built gathering a cathadioptric
Russian objective: 1000/10 , spyglass prisms and microscope
eyepieces. The pointer is a aim for hunt rifles. It works very well
and easy to transport

At the epoch of the university I have been internal pupil of the famous and
discussed Prof. Margaria of Milan, teacher of biochemical and physiology. Exploiting my passion for electronics he had urged me to plan a few devices they
were serving him: since that moment has been begun my love for cardiology. Quite
a lot of years later I planned and built a interesting vector-cardiograph. Here
the prototype to which I am especially fond; all this explains my little and
strange collection
Monitor version with defibrillator and layout on
paper. (old photography) |
Old ECG 3 channels |
Modern ECG |
