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- Web sites on Amber - E-mails


                                                     Paleontology sites


- Information, suggestions 

Oak tree flowers


- Prof. Eugenio Ragazzi  -   eugenio.ragazzi@unipd.it Associate professor of cellular and molecular pharmacology at the Padova University. An appassionate and profound expert on amber from all parts of the world, author of numerous publications: a mine of information.

- Andrew Ross -   A.Ross@nhm.ac.uk  Curator of the Department of artopodic fossiles at the Museum of Natural History, London. He published “Amber the natural time capsule”, helpful for catalogisation of inclusion, very useful.

- John Fudala - jfudala@attibi.com Active animator of Ambergroup and expert collector of amber from all part of the world.

- Dr. Giovanni Corsetti - gcorsetti@libero.it  - Biologist, university seeker; professor of biology and chemistry. He edited an interesting book: "L'Ambra, l'origine, le caratteristiche, i trattamenti e le imitazioni" Ed. Gemmarum Lapidator. Very useful.


- Amberfossil -   http://www.amberfossil.de  This is one of the most interesting and scientifically complete sites: it contains not only a lot of beautiful pictures but also a dictionary and lots of useful information.The author is Dr. Arnold Volker Arnold-Heide@online.de

- Amber Home - http://www.gplatt.demon.co.uk  di Garry Platt  garry@gplatt.demon.co.uk  

- American Museum of Natural History  http://www.amnh.org/exhibitions/amber/index.html

 - Stagen Ravmuseum - http://www.ravmuseum.dk 

- Ambre Jaune - http://ambre.jaune.free.fr   di Eric Geirnaert  egeirnaert@nordnet.fr

- World of Amber - http://www.emporia.edu/earthsci/amber/amber.htm  by Susan Ward Aber abersusa@esumail.emporia.edu  

- Ants in Amber - http://geocities.com/amberantk di Katy Yoder Kyoder11@home.com

- The Amber Room - http://www.amberfossils.com  

- Swedish Amber Museum - http://www.brost.se. 

- Amber, a Wiew of the Past - http://www.ambericawest.com/amber_info.html  

- Arboreal Gold - http://www.uky.edu/ArtsSciences/geology/webdog/amber/welcome.html di Tammi Jonsons

- AMBERWEB -  http://www.cilea.it/%7emontalbe/www-cilea/amberweb/ambra.htm.

- 3 DOT STUDIO AMBER PROJECT - http://www.3dotstudio.com/amberhome.html

- Amber - Stone Live - http://www.amberabg.com  di Andrzej Gorski, info@amberabg.com .

- DEAD BUG IN AMBER CLUB - http://Snakefly.tripod.com/, di Yale Goldman Snakefly99@hotmail.com 

- Fano Online - http://www.fanoe-online.dk/amber1.htm  

- Arti ambra - www.arti-ambra.pl  

- AMBERDEPOT- http://www.amberdepot.com

- Amber Gallery - http://www.ambergallery.com

- Die Hymenopteren des Baltischen Bernstein - http://home.t-online.de/home/jjanzen/hyminbal.htm

- Amber World - www.amberworld.lt  

Paleontology Sites

- Les Fossiles - www.fossiles.be  di Denis Hsiung.

- APSN - http://www.comune.pisa.it/apsn .

- Hobby Scope - http://www.hobbyscope.com .

- Portail de Paleontologie - http://www.portailpaleo.free.fr/accueil.php3

- Paleoweb - http://www.paleoweb.it.

- Mineral Collector Page - http://minerant.org/index.html

- Paleofox - http://www.paleofox.com

- Geologia.com - http://www.geologia.com/welcome.html

- Geofossil - http://.www.geofossil.com  

- iQuest - www.quest.be  


livre_amb_eric.jpg (37776 byte) atlas of plants.JPG (8762 byte) ross1.jpg (9288 byte) amber, wind.JPG (6654 byte) poinarbook.JPG (4713 byte) les fantome  de l'ambre.jpg (5414 byte) bernst1.jpg (6527 byte) scrigno1.jpg (7553 byte) corsetti1.JPG (5926 byte)


- AMBRE, MIEL DE FORTUNE ET MEMOIRE DE VIE - E. Geirnaert. http://ambre.jaune.free.fr/

- ATLAS OF PLANTS AND ANIMALS IN BALTIC AMBER - W. Weitschat, W. Wichard. http://www.pfeil-verlag.de/07pala/e2_94.html

- AMBER THE NATURAL TIME CAPSULE - A. Ross. www.nhm.ac.uk/shop 

- AMBER, WINDOW TO THE PAST - D. Grimaldi. http://.amnh.org/exhibitions/amber/

- THE QUEST FOR LIFE IN AMBER - George, Roberta Poinar http://.amazon.com

- LES FANTOMES DE L'AMBRE - E.Kreminska, W. Kreminski. http://www.ne.ch/neuchatel/mhn/

- BERNSTEIN - M. Kutscher. http://www.mv-live.de/bernstein-museum

- AMBRA: SCRIGNO DEL TEMPO - C.Pontin, M. Celi. mpt@libero.it

- L'AMBRA, L'ORIGINE, LE CARATTERISTICHE, I TRATTAMENTI E LE IMITAZIONI - G. Corsetti http://www.gemmarum.it/html/home_page.html

I should be pleased to add further amber sites as soon as informed of.

Information - suggestions

Gianfranco Rocchini grocchini@inwind.it  

I should like to thank my wife Josette for the French translation and Isolde Corfini for the English one - krisolde@katamail.com