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Abbey outline


The town of Finale Ligure, where our Abbey is located, it is about 25 Km south of Savona. Three districts Finalborgo, inland; Finalmarina and Finalpia, both on the seashore, constitute Finale Ligure.

Since his origins the monks have devoted themselves to the spiritual care of the pilgrims that in great number have always visited the attached Marian Shrine.

Here how appeared the Shrine up to ten years ago.
The baluster arrived up to the two side altars and the two big paintings of Charles V and Clement VII were still inside the presbytery; the electric illumination was from hangings chandeliers.

Now the baluster has been pull back, giving more space for the pews. The two big paintings are outside the presbytery and the electric illumination is indirect.

A view of the inside from the balcony that runs in front of the Icon.

Where the Holy Virgin
is invoked with the name of Pia (Pious).

Finalpia's Abbey, founded by the Olivetani Monks at the end of 1400. In 1905 it went definitely to the Sublacense Benedictine Congregation (one of the many Families of the Benedictine Order). In few years, therefore, we will celebrate a century of our presence in this corner of Liguria. Between our cloisters, also if we now are completely inserted in the urban fabric, you always will be able to breathe the quiet of a Benedictine cloister. Whoever is really looking for God, he/she can still meet Him here.

A particular attention by the monastic community always has been towards the pastoral care of the local population, which in these last decades, has grown consistently.

In 1914 here saw light the"Rivista Liturgica" (Liturgical Magazine), whose authoritativeness soon went out of the Italian circle to assert itself at international level. In its pages appeared many of the themes that later bloomed in the liturgical innovations introduced by the Vatican Council II.

To know more about the Rivista Liturgica, please go to the site Rivista liturgica.

The sea with all his charm is very near.
Highland of the Manie offers splendid examples of Mediterranean bush.
Prehistoric and archaeological sites.
Towns and places that talk about ancient and modern history.

Magnificent things you could find in these places, but we are sure that you could find other likewise splendid things elsewhere.

The English version of our pages is compiled by Luca Ferrerio, a friend of Finalpia's Abbey, since his childhood.
After many years at sea as Captain, now he works full time as Assistant Chaplain at the
Mariners' Club of Hong Kong, caring for the seafarers visiting the port.
Now he collaborates with us from Hong Kong.
We are very thankful and happy to have him back - in a certain way - with us !

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