How to arrive - abbey

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How to arrive


If you arrive by train

Finale Ligure Marina railway station is where you get off.

Outside the station you can catch a bus (orange one) to CALVISIO,  
a bus stop is just opposite our Church.

If you arrive by Aurelia Road
From Savona, following the Aurelia Road,
towards France, you arrive at Finale Ligure.

Our Abbey is in Finalpia, just at the entry of Finale Ligure.
The arrow indicates the exact point.

Now you can see how the Abbey Sant Mary of Finalpia looks like,
when, turning off to the right from the Aurelia Road,
you enter Finalpia.

If you arrive by Autostrada(Highway)

Out of the highway go towards the sea,when you reach the Aurelia Road turn left,
and enter in Finale Ligure.
You'll see the first traffic light(Railway Station on the left)

Following the road you reach the second traffic light,
where you can see a brown sign:"Abbazia  (Abbey)
indicating a left turn.

Following the road you enter in Drione Street,
when the road turn right you are in Madonna Street

After few meters you can see the bells tower.

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