what you can do with us - abbey

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what you can do with us


"Let us go off by ourselves to some places where we will be alone and you can rest for a while"
So they started out in a boat by themselves for a lonely place. (Mk.6,31-32).

   ALL the guests arriving are greeted like Christ.
   The guests… should be accompanied to the prayer (RB 53,1.8).
   1. The monastic Community greets with evangelical spirit the brothers wishing to spend few days- (usually one week)- in meditation and in reflection, in communion of prayer with the monks.
   2. We augur that their stay give them new vigor to be more welcome by God and to return to their duties that attend them in their life in a more Christian way.
   3. The hospitality that the Abbey offers is not just a vacation or only a physical rest, being the monastery "the house of God" and "the school of the service of the Lord." (RB 31,19; Prol. 45).
   4. Currently a specific guesthouse does not exist in the monastery, but the guests are lodged in few available rooms (with private facilities) between the rooms used by the monastic Community.
   5. The guests are fraternally invited to participate to the liturgical prayer of the community, to practice silence that helps listening to God and to seek meeting with Christ in the Word and in the Sacraments.
   6. The rooms are on the first and second floor.
   7. No elevator is available.
   NOTICE; It is suggested to book well in advance, preferably in writing and not by telephone.



06.00: Wake up.
06,15: Readings of the Office
08,15: Laud
08,45: Breakfast
12,15: Hour sixth
12,45: Lunch
13,45: Hour ninth
17,45: Vespers and Conventual Mass
19,30: Supper
20,30: Complin (Last evening prayers)

Have a talk with a monk.
(This is our new Abbot
since 21-01-2001 )

   Share a meal with us.

To meditate (finally in peace and silence) on your own.

Looking for God like, perhaps, you have never done before.

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