XXIII world congress - abbey

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XXIII world congress

Apostleship of the Sea


(19 - 23 November, 2012 — Synod Hall, Vatican City)
New Evangelization in the maritime world
(New ways and means to proclaim the Good News)

Provisional Time-table

Sunday November 18, 2012
Afternoon: arrival and registration at the Hotel Casa Tra Noi

Monday November 19, 2012
Formal Opening of the Congress
Theme of the day: New evangelization
09,00 — Eucharistic Celebration of Stella Maris at the Altar of the Cathedra, in St. Peter's Basilica
10,15 — Coffee break
10,30 — Welcoming address
11,00 — Presentation of the theme of the Congress
11,15 — Keynote address: New Evangelization in the maritime world
Questions and answers
12,00 — Greetings from the Authorities
13,00 — Lunch
14,30 — Panel: Maritime World and New Evangelization
16,30 — Coffee break
17,00 — AOS past, present and future
18,00 — End of session
19,30 — Gala Dinner

Tuesday November 20, 2012

Theme of the day: Effective engagement with the maritime industry

08,45 — Morning prayer and recap of the day
09,15 — The seafaring world, perspectives and challenges for AOS
Questions and answers
10,15 — Coffee break
10,45 — MLC 2006: an instrument to promote seafarers welfare

Questions and answers

11,45 — Presentation of :Seafarers' Rights International (SRI)
12,15 — Eucharistic Celebration
13,00 — Lunch
14,30 — Panel : Welfare as an integral part of evangelization
15,30 — Coffee break
16,00 — Workshops
17,30 — End of session
19,00 — Dinner

Wednesday November 21,2012

World Fisheries Day
Because the Paul VI Hall is utilized by Pope Benedict XVI for the weekly audience, after the
Regional Meetings at I0, 00am the morning will be left free.
08,00 — Eucharistic celebration
09,00 — Regional Meetings in the Hotel
10,00 — Free time
Theme of the day: Fisheries
13,00 — Lunch at the Hotel
14,45 — Convention on fishing: a new welfare for fishers?
Questions and answers
15,30 — Gospel tradition and reality of fishing
16,00 — Coffee break
16,30 — Panel presentation: Fishing: global reality and its relevance to the wider mission of AOS
17,30 — End of session
19,00 — Dinner

Thursday November 22, 2012

Theme of the day: Piracy: making the voice of seafarers' heard
08,45 — Morning prayer and recap of the day
09,15 — Presentation on Piracy
Questions and answers
10.00 — Coffee break
10,30 — Presentation of: Maritime Humanitarian Piracy Response (MHPR)
10,45 — Sharing of a victim of piracy: Family and piracy
Questions and answers
12,15 — Eucharistic Celebration
13,00 — Lunch
14,30 — Panel presentation: Mission: Formation of seafarers, chaplains and volunteers for the new evangelization
15,30 — Coffee break
16,00 — Workshops
17,30 — End of session
19,00 — Dinner

Friday November 23, 2012:

Theme of the day: The Great Commission
08,45 — Morning prayer and recap of the day
09,15 — Ecumenism and new evangelization
10,15 — Coffee break
10,45 — Panel presentation: Cruise ship and new evangelization
12,15 — Eucharistic celebration at the tomb of the Blessed John Paul II in St. Peter's Basilica
13,30 — Lunch
15,00 — Communication and evangelization
15,30 — Presentation of the workshops
16,00 — Coffee break
16,30 — Conclusions

Final document
Message to the maritime world
Press release/conference

19,00 — Dinner

Saturday November 24, 2012

Departure of  participants

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