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Saint Antonio abate's Sanctuary


The Sanctuary

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Such a beautiful place doesn’t deserve such a terrible end. Some months ago when we visited the sanctuary for the very first time, it was so unique that we fell in love. From the top of the plateau, we felt a strange sensation of power because we had decided to save it, but, at the same time, we knew it was hard work.
Thanks to our stubbornness we created a website and an association named “The Poetry Lovers”.
Even if there is still much to do, we must admit that currently things are going better.


How you can reach the Sanctuary.


If you are in Matera (Italy), a town of about 50.000 inhabitants, we suggest you to take the state road no.7 leading to Grassano. This road is rather comfortable.
After a half-an-hour drive, just after the junction for Grottole, you’ll find on your right a guide-board (flanked by a small picture of the Saint) indicating the road leading to the sanctuary.
Along the road you’ll find two junctions: to reach your destination, always turn left.

After the second junction (where you’ll find another small icon dedicated to the Saint) the road will begin to slope upwards. From this point of the road on you’ll be likely to encounter some difficulties. Don’t give up!!!

On your way to the sanctuary, you’ll see from time to time some large wooden crosses, placed there in honour of St. Antonio abate, but, only after passing through the disappeared inhabited centre of Altogianni, with its ruins and its “tower”, you’ll be able to say you’re at destination….
While the Sanctuary will be welcoming you with its irresistible beauty.

If you are in Potenza, the capitol city of the Basilicata region, you’ll have to take the Basentana, a fast road, toward Metaponto. After a thirty-five-minute-drive, you’ll have to leave the Basentana at the exit for Grottole.
Then you’ll have to reach that destination and  from there, following the indications, you’ll get to the junction on the road joining Matera to Grassano; along that road you’ll encounter after less than a mile the indication for the Sanctuary reachable as previously described.

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Map road to reach
to the Sanctuary


