School of Medicine and Surgery
Institute of Internal Medicine and Medical Therapeutics
chairman: Massimo Gaglio, M.D.
Integrated Course of Internal Medicine
for the Students 5th year of the School of Medicine
These pages are contructed and implemented as an integration of the official course of Internal Medicine. Aim of this work is mainly to offer some internet tools related to the subject of study. Moreover, several aspects of the course organization (dates, examination, subjects of lesson) are up-to-dated as necessary.
The language of the course is Italian, so an effort was made to offer internet resources in Italian language. However, the most important foreign medical web resources are suggested and linked as well. The virtual library (a collection of about 2000 medical links), can it is reachable also at the mirrored site, free medline, the library of Yale University School of Medicine and a directory of the medical journals available on-line are provided, in the effort of offer facilities not yet provided elsewhere.
Some of the more recent personal studies are provided on-line.
These pages have two mirrored sites and
because the access to one of them can be easier, provided the particular server ( com, edu ) that you are using.
Istituto di Medicina Interna e Terapia Medica Universitą di
Azienda Ospedaliera Vittorio Emanuele II - Via Plebiscito
95100 Catania
39 95 7435054 - 7435055
39 95 317349
Argomenti del programma di Medicina Interna